Many of my publications can be found in the online catalogue of the National Art Library at the Victoria and Albert Museum.
Recent ones include:
The Clearing, at the admirable Little Toller website, published my poem ‘A herring gull pattering’ on 14 August 2018. Many thanks to the editors:
The International Times put up my poem ‘Menu’ with a well-chosen photograph on 4 May: It was followed on 18 May by ‘The Anthropocene’: and then by ‘Raif’ (on the brave and brutally treated Saudi Arabian blogger Raif Badawi): Many thanks to the poetry editor Rupert Loydell.
On Friday 12 May 2017 I read one of the two poems of mine shortlisted for the Stanley Spencer Poetry Competition organised by the Cookham on Thames Festival. They are now published in Stanley Spencer: an anthology (Two Rivers Press, 2017). It was a delightful occasion and I particularly enjoyed some of the local contributions. There is a piece about it here:
Wild is the Wind: photographs by Tessa Traeger, poems by Mark Haworth-Booth, introduction by Patrick Kinmonth. Impress, February 2017. Edition of 52 copies published to mark Tessa Traeger’s 52 years work at no. 7 Rossetti Studios, Flood Street, Chelsea, London. The photographs, poems and introduction celebrate the landscape, wildlife and weather of North Devon. As the book is in a very limited edition and therefore expensive (£52), I have given copies to Barnstaple Library, the National Poetry Library in the South Bank Centre, and the London Library.
‘Field Notes’ in Mark Ruwedel’s book Message from the Exterior, published by Mack, autumn 2016. The text derives from trips with Mark when he was photographing deserted temporary houses and ad hoc shelters in the Mojave Desert in 2008.
Poems for Jeremy Corbyn, edited by Merryn Williams and published by Shoestring Press in autumn 2016, includes my poem ‘The Anthropocene’.
Luncheon magazine published a conversation I had with Tessa Traeger on the occasion of her 50th year at Rossetti Studios, Flood Street, Chelsea – Luncheon, no. 2, Autumn 2016.
About Larkin, No.42, October 2016, published the lecture I gave to the Philip Larkin Society in Hull in June – ‘Philip Larkin as photographer.’
I contributed the foreword to Richard Bradford’s book Philip Larkin’s Photographs: The Importance of Elsewhere, published by Frances Lincoln in autumn 2015. Paperback edition autumn 2016.
‘When Modern was New’ is my introduction to Curtis Moffat: Silver Society: Experimental Photography and Design, 1923-1935, edited by Martin Barnes, published by V&A/Steidl in autumn 2016.
An exchange with Philip Larkin, witty on his side, has been published in About Larkin no. 39 (April 2015)
‘The Tribe of Ted’, reminiscences of the poet (whom I first heard read in a Cambridge crypt in autumn 1963), appears in Volume 4, issue 1 of the (online) Journal of the Ted Hughes Society, June 2014
Two poems in South poetry magazine, issue 48, autumn 2013 (‘Water Phantom’ and ‘Greencliff Beach’)
‘Barbellion on Exmoor’, in Exmoor Review, volume 54, 2013 (this gathers previously uncollected writings on Exmoor by W.N.P. Barbellion, pseudonymous author of The Journal of a Disappointed Man)
A trade edition of Brandt Nudes: A New Perspective (Thames & Hudson, 2012)
An essay: ‘Orchards Live: A 20 Year Retrospect’, in Orchards Live Newsletter, no. 50, 2011
A book, Camille Silvy: Photographer of Modern Life, was published by the National Portrait Gallery and the J. Paul Getty Museum in 2010. French edition by Jeu de Paume, Paris. A lecture on the same topic can be read at: UAL Professorial Platform Series
An essay on Camille Silvy and the photographic reproduction of art, published by the Center for Advanced Studies in the Visual Arts, National Gallery of Art, Washington
An essay on Reyner Banham and photography, published in The Banham Lectures (Berg, 2009)